The system is lopsided in favor of insurance companies. If you’ve been hurt because of another’s carelessness, we can help level your playing field. We will stand against them and fight for you. We know their weaknesses from an insider’s vantage point. They have in-house lawyers, working full-time against injury victims like you; which is why you need someone on your side.

Insurance companies hire experts to say accident victims simply did not get hurt at all; or if they did, they recovered in nine weeks.

Imagine that: As different as we are as individual human beings, hired insurance defense experts can lump us all into a nine-week recovery box. Meanwhile, insurance companies avoid responsibility for their careless people. We have won as lead counsel before the Oregon Supreme Court, a victory which changed Oregon law. We have taken on some of the world’s most powerful corporations and won millions of dollars for our injured clients. We have helped all kinds of injury victims prevail. We can help you, too! Put our experience on your side. Don’t be a victim twice!



Accident victims suddenly find themselves in a position of losing their job, their homes, their very way of life. This becomes their new reality, but insurance companies and their lawyers are skilled at painting such victims as “faking it” or “milking the system.” They’ve polluted our jury pools. And spilled coffee cases don’t help any, serving only to reinforce the belief that our system is broken. Ask anyone, and most hold negative views of anyone “suing,” unless the wrong-doer is some kind of villain (e.g., drunk drivers, child molesters, road-ragers).

But most injuries are not caused by villains. Even worse, insurance companies in Oregon get to hide behind their bad drivers: By law, a jury is barred from knowing that the bad actor even had insurance. A jury doesn’t get to know if it’s the elderly man who sent a teenager to the hospital with broken bones who’ll pay the damages, or if there’s insurance in the picture.

Most accident victims entering our “civil system” of justice are met by very rude and crafty insurance defense lawyers, who during depositions call them fat or otherwise verbally attack them, or smirk when they can’t hold back emotions when talking about how the accident wrecked parts of their lives. Many who work in insurance dehumanize injury victims, presumably so they can sleep at night.

We work closely with all health care insurances, Medicare, Medicaid, and OHP, so that when you leave our office, the check in your hand is a “net check” with no lurking liens or bills left out there unpaid. From start to finish, we help you get to the best possible result.

We are experienced Medford Personal Injury Attorneys who can help you avoid a toxic legal environment. We work with the bad driver’s insurance to get you a fair and just settlement well short of trial. We help you avoid the depositions, abuse, delayed justice, forced medical exams, and the courthouse. Put our experience on your side. Don’t be a victim twice.”

Some of the clients
Reed Law Firm has helped
A burned smoke-jumper against the foreign chainsaw manufacturer of his defective saw.
Two molested children, taking all of their molester’s real estate.
The widower of a suicide victim, changing an unjust law in the Oregon Supreme Court.
A seven-year-old burn victim against one of the world’s largest corporations.
A brain damaged automobile accident victim against a careless trucking company.
A firefighter’s widow against the foreign auto manufacturer whose defective seatbelt killed her husband.

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Experienced Southern Oregon Attorneys

Shane Reed

In 1998, after representing numerous insurance companies while working as an Associate Attorney at a prestigious 99-attorney law firm, Shane Reed decided to form his own law firm in Jacksonville, outside of Medford Oregon. Since then, Shane has handled thousands of cases – including trucking and auto accidents, product liability, pedestrian accidents, construction accidents, civil and criminal cases, dog bite injuries, sexual harassment cases, rest home abuse, and wrongful death cases – putting his experience to work for individuals throughout Oregon and northern California.

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Talon Reed

After graduating from college, he was trained and worked at this office as a bilingual paralegal for three years before attending the University Of Oregon School Of Law. While there, he was on the moot court board, and was president of the J. Reuben Clarke Law Society U of O Chapter. During his last year in law school he interned at the Lake County District Attorney’s office where he served as lead counsel in four felony trials under the guidance of the District Attorney. While there, he won a three-minute verdict for the state after a two-day 12 member jury trial. Talon later completed an externship with the Lane County Circuit Courthouse where he worked for the Honorable Curtis Conover. After passing the bar on his first attempt, Talon is licensed to practice law in Oregon.
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Ulys J. Stapleton

Oregon State Bar, 1974
Oregon State Bar Ethics Committee member for four years
CRM (“Certified Risk Manager”) dealing with injury claims, premises liability, workers’ compensation subrogation, government tort claims, third-party claims, etc., for 18 years as the a City Attorney
Former President, State of Oregon City Attorneys organization
Former District Attorney, Three Oregon Counties
Former President, Family & Friends, a child abuse prevention organization
Former President, United Way Local Chapter
Former Board of Directors, Girl Scouts Local Chapter
Former President, Rotary Local Chapter

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What Our Clients Say
Shane Reed helped these people prevail and he can help you too!*
“Shane (Reed) was awesome,” Hood said “We were sitting there in awe.”
Robert H. quoted by Medford Mail Tribune,
Medford Mail Tribubune 2001.
Regarding *$3.1 million verdict.
“Thank you so much for your excellent representation. I would recommend you to anyone looking for legal service.”
Crystal M. of Grants Pass
“Reed Law Firm represented me in a car accident claim where I had been T-Boned and was getting the run around by insurance companies. He knew what needed to be done and kept in great communication with me throughout the process. The turnout was the best possible turnout that could have happened and I owe it to Talon [Reed]. ”
Christopher O. of Grant Pass
“The work Reed Law Firm did to settle my injury case was amazing. Not only was [Talon Reed] and his team personable, but he was incredibly prompt and thorough. My case had a very tight time line and Talon settled the case with a greater outcome than I could have EVER imagined, in under half the time we had. Thank you!”
Clare S.

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