Medford Auto Accident Attorney
An auto accident can turn an injury victim’s life upside-down. Pain from a car wreck can be permanent. It can rob victims of what matters most in life: their job, their home, their way of life. At Reed Law Firm, we recognize the challenges that arise in this new reality and understand the tactics employed by insurance companies and their lawyers to paint victims as disingenuous or opportunistic.
And spilled coffee cases don’t help any, serving only to reinforce the belief that our system is broken. Ask around and most hold negative views of anyone “suing” unless the wrong-doer is some kind of villain (e.g., drunk drivers, road-ragers, child molesters).
But most injuries are not caused by villains. Even worse, Oregon allows insurance companies to stand by their bad drivers—by law, a jury is barred from knowing the bad actor even had insurance.
It’s a harsh handicap. Insurance lawyers argue, “This ambulance chaser and his client want $100,000 from my elderly client, Mr. Doe. That’s asking too much. We know the boy lost his football scholarship, but don’t destroy Mr. Doe over it. He made a simple mistake any of us could make!” While Mr. Doe sits there calmly knowing he’ll never pay a cent.
Most personal injury victims entering Oregon’s legal system of justice are met by rude and crafty insurance defense lawyers, who, during depositions, call them fat or otherwise verbally attack them, or smirk when they can’t hold back emotions talking about an accident that damaged a part of their life. It’s common practice in insurance to dehumanize accident victims.
We are an experienced Auto Accident Attorney Firm in Medford, Oregon
As seasoned auto accident attorneys in Oregon, Reed Law Firm strives to provide a supportive and toxic-free legal environment for our clients. Our approach involves working closely with a bad driver’s insurance to get you a fair and just settlement well before trial, sparing you from depositions, abuse, delayed justice, forced medical exams, and the courthouse.
But if you’re one of the estimated five-percent of our cases that has to go to the court house, our track record speaks for itself. One of our recent trial verdicts was $550,000*. While another ended up being more than what we asked for: $3.1 million when the insurance lawyers had offered “zero.”*
Auto insurance companies hire experts to manipulate facts. It is Reed Law’s duty to diligently expose the lack of credibility in these tactics.
We can settle most automobile accident injury cases for fair and just payment without going to trial. But either way, with or without a trial, you have just the one chance to get justice, and insurance companies know it. They will pull out all the stops.
In one of our trials, the insurance lawyer hired seven medical experts and surgeons! But they didn’t fool the jury; one by one we forced these hired-gun experts to admit they didn’t have the facts. For example, one expert admitted he hadn’t read even one page of 20 deposition transcripts before trial; he ignored 1,500 pages of sworn testimony! Yet he still gave the jury his $6,500 “expert opinion” anyway! That’s not justice, but that’s how they work.
Auto insurance companies hire experts to say accident victims didn’t get hurt at all; or if they did, they got better in nine weeks. Imagine that: As different as we are as individuals beings, hired-gun insurance experts can put us all into a nine-week box. Meanwhile, insurance companies avoid responsibility for their careless people.
The system is lopsided, in favor of insurance companies. If you’ve been hurt in an auto accident, we can help level your playing field. We can stand against them and fight for you. We know their weaknesses from an insider’s vantage point. They have in-house lawyers, working full-time against injury victims like you; you need someone on your side who knows how they work. • Click About Us.
Sometimes in these types of auto injury cases, the medical bills are more than all combined insurances. When this happens we fight with the lien claimants to reduce liens. We recently got a $405,479 medical lien down to $33,333.* In another, we only had $25,000 in total available insurance limits, and the medical bills totaled $82,967. We got all liens reduced to $4,691.* We are experts in dealing with lien claimants and have gotten liens and medical bills dramatically reduced in many cases.
We work closely with all health care insurances, Medicare, Medicaid, and OHP, so that when you leave our office, the check in your hand is a “net check” with no lurking liens or bills left out there unpaid. From start to finish, we help you get to the best possible result.
Let us help you get back on your feet, cover your medical bills, obtain lost wages, assist with your vehicle damage (we often help with the car repair/replacement Free of Charge), see if there’s rental car coverage, and keep your credit from getting ruined. We guide you through the process. Let us put our experience on your side to help you get fair and just payment for what you’ve been through. Call one of our Medford Personal Injury Attorneys now at (541)772-3266 for a FREE initial phone consultation with an experienced Medford Auto Accident Lawyer.
Or click here, which will send you to or online contact form so we can assess your case and set up a convenient time – even evenings/weekends – to discuss maximizing your settlement and making you whole, so that you’re not a victim twice.*
BEWARE — POSSIBLE SHORT-DEADLINE ALERT: If the car or truck that hit you was owned/operated by any governmental entity, then you have a much shorter deadline than normal, often as little as 180 days! Consult with us to protect your rights or you could lose automatically.*